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Selling Your Arizona Home? Don’t Forget to Check These Tasks off Your To-Do List

Getting ready to sell your Phoenix-area home can feel like a whirlwind. There are so many things to do, and while you’re likely to check all the major tasks off your to-do list — like cleaning and getting your listing photos taken — there are some smaller tasks that might fall through the cracks.

But those small to-dos can actually make a big difference in your home sale, so it’s important not to forget them.

So what, exactly, are those to-do’s? A recent article from realtor.com outlined some of the key tasks you don’t want to forget when selling your home, including:

  • Account for improvements and issues. If you’ve made any improvements to your home (like installing a new drain system) or had to fix any issues (like dealing with a flooded basement), make sure to list them all out. When you sell your home, it’s important to disclose those things to the buyer; not only will the improvements make them feel better about their home purchase, but disclosing the issues — and how you fixed them — can help you avoid potential lawsuits after the sale.
  • Make sure the doorbell rings. If you don’t use your doorbell regularly, do a quick check and make sure it’s functional and that it actually rings when someone uses it. Most buyers (or at least their agents) will press the doorbell before just walking into the house, and if it’s not working, it could make them think that other things in the house won’t work either. (Not the best first impression!)
  • Clarify what items are not included. Technically, anything that is bolted to the walls or ceiling is included in the home purchase, unless the contract states otherwise. As such, you want to be crystal clear from the get-go about what’s not included in your listing; otherwise, a potential buyer might fall in love with your custom chandelier, and might walk away from the deal when they find out you’re taking your light fixture with you to your new home.

How To Prepare Your House For Sale

Want expert insights on selling it quickly and for top dollar?

Then you should download your free copy of my booklet.


  • Tips on preparing for where you’ll move to, because preparing your house for sale also means preparing yourself to move.
  • Thoughts on what to repair or renovate and where to draw the line.
  • A series of follow-up emails with even more thoughtful tips, hints, and resources, only available if you have downloaded the booklet.
  • What you should do with buyer’s shoes (other than ask them to remove them as they walk through the house).
  • Things to think about if you have pets.

Here’s the thing, if you do too little you could leave money on the table — or worse, not sell your house at all. On the other hand, if you do too much, you could lose time or money on things that don’t have a good return on investment.

Which is why I created this free guide to help you prepare your house just the right amount.

This booklet is a quick read, and it’s filled with over a dozen topics you can implement with just a little time and effort. (In fact, it will even save you time and effort.)

Whether you want to sell in a few weeks, or a few years, this guide will help you prepare your house to sell as quickly as possible and for top dollar.

Just tell me where to send it below!

And don’t worry…

• There’s no obligation.
• I won’t hound you to work with me.
• It’s totally free.
• I will never share your information with anyone.

Just tell me where to send it!


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