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Real Estate Humor

7 Unusual (But Not Unreasonable) Reasons to Sell Your House

There are a lot of reasons why you might want to sell your house. Maybe you want a bigger one. Or perhaps you’d rather downsize to something smaller. Moving closer to work is always a solid reason. At least those are some pretty common and basic reasons real estate agents typically hear. Let’s spice things up a bit and get real! Here are 7 unusual reasons to sell your house that are actually pretty reasonable when you think about it!

weird us laws

9 Weird, Wacky Real Estate Laws In the US

Did you know there’s a law in Arizona that says no man or woman over the age of 18 can show more than one missing tooth when smiling? (Work on those pearly whites, Arizonians.) Oh, and there’s a law that it’s illegal to kill a Sasquatch in Washington state. (You’ll be safe here, Bigfoot!) And in parts of North Carolina, it’s illegal to hold a meeting if some of the attendees are...

11 House Fails That Could Ruin A Sale

When you're looking for a home, you probably have a couple of lists in your head: the must-haves, the nice-to-haves, and the absolute deal-breakers. Unfortunately, most of the places on this list fall into that third category, unless, of course, you're handy or have a big budget for repairs. Check out these strange but hilarious home fails that would definitely have you looking elsewhere. 1. A tree...

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