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4 New Year’s Resolutions To Improve Your Home

Whether you enjoy making New Year’s resolutions or scoff at the idea, there’s something inherently motivating about seeing a fresh page on the calendar. If you don’t want to join the masses who hit the gym or vow to go on a digital diet, you may want to resolve to set some goals on behalf of improving your home. Chances are, you spend a lot of time in your home, so why not make sure it’s as...

3 Financial Resolutions To Make If You Want To Buy A Home In The New Year

The new year is here, and many people are starting to think seriously about their Resolutions. And while the most popular resolutions aren’t going anywhere (eat healthy, work out, spend less time in front of a screen), if you’re looking to buy a home next year, a few of your resolutions should be of the financial variety. Starting the new year off on the right financial foot by...

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